Thursday, October 10, 2013

Pros and Cons of Big Data and the Cloud. When to use and how?

Overview – The source, audience and sensitivity of data will be determining factors in how the Cloud can be leveraged. Combining disparate data from disparate sources for disparate audiences can yield innovation and information value. There is the potential to keep the cost of "failures" low, so the cost of "experimentation" and barriers to entry are low. 

Key findings – Public clouds can provide the ubiquity of storage, compute and network resources to make collecting and sharing data, and analysis readily available globally.  Communities can be fostered around Big Data programs in the Cloud creating opportunities for collaboration that can lead to new insights and outcomes. Security and privacy are a major consideration in many cases. The transmission of data continues to be a significant consideration, depending on the sources and transmission methods possible but Big Data doesn't necessarily have to be big to provide value.

Recommendations – Consider the data sources, security, privacy and transmission methods available to assess the viability of Cloud storage. Review the community or audience and opportunities for collaboration. "Fail" fast with minimal investment, adjust and try again.

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